Bradley Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition is one of the most overlooked aspects to feeling and looking our best. As they say, you cannot out-train a poor diet. Too often people look to magic pills and crash diets to get a quick fix, only to find themselves in even more trouble a few months later. Consistency and sustainability are key.

True body composition changes are our goal. Weight loss is not the same as fat loss.

The first thing we will do is a Body Composition Analysis using our InBody scanner. This tells us exactly what is going on under the skin such as body fat percentage and pounds of muscle. Then we provide you an individualized plan so that you can lose body fat and maintain-or gain- muscle. As you continue along, you will have the support and accountability of our coaches to ensure you are on the right track and to make any adjustments that may be needed.

Average body fat percentage loss is 1% per month but we often see greater than that when individuals follow their nutrition plan and regularly attend our group training sessions.

After over a decade of coaching we’ve developed a nutrition plan unique to Constancy Fitness. It takes into consideration your own unique lifestyle constraints, preferences and psychology to create a plan that will be the most successful for you. No starvation diets here! You will thrive and get to feeling your best.



Laura was tired of her old routine and the confusing machines found at her old gym. It just wasn’t working for her! Then her husband signed her up for our programs. The encouragement and accountability found in our group classes were the change of pace she needed. In her first round of nutrition guidance she lost 4.4% body fat!


We proudly serve Kankakee county and surrounding areas. We want to make the residents of Bradley, Bourbonnais, Kankakee, St. Anne, Manteno, Peotone, Chebanse and surrounding cities the healthiest they can be!